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Zig Ziglar Quotes On Integrity That Will Boost Confidence |
Zig Ziglar Quotes On Integrity That Will Boost Confidence
Zig Ziglar was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker. Here are the best Zig Ziglar quotes and a short biography. His real name is Hilary Hinton Ziglar but he is known as Zig Ziglar.
Zig Ziglar was born on 6 November 1926 in Coffee County, Alabama, United States. With Richard "Dick" Gardner and Hal Krause, Ziglar was a sanctioned part in the foundation of American Salesmasters in 1963. The organization's goal was to raise the picture of salesmen in America by giving classes.
Ziglar proceeded to speak widely for crowds of the National Association of Sales Education (NASE), established by Dick Gardner in 1965, and furthermore turned into a major sales trainer for Mary Kay Cosmetics. In 1968, he turned into a VP and training director for the Automotive Performance organization and moved to Dallas, Texas. The organization went bankrupt two years after the fact. In this way, Ziglar talked widely at workshops for Peter Lowe, of getting Motivated, and in the end, consented to a restrictive arrangement to help Peter Lowe events. Ziglar died on 28 November 2012 at the age of 86 in Plano, Texas.
In addition to speaking, Ziglar wrote more than 30 books. His first book, See You at the Top, was rejected 39 times before it was published in 1975. It is still in print. Check out the inspirational Zig Ziglar quotes on integrity, success, life, goal, gratitude, love, time, sales and others.
Zig Ziglar Motivational Quotes For Confidence
1. You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. - Zig Ziglar
2. Go as far as you can see and you will see further. - Zig Ziglar
3. Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running. - Zig Ziglar
4. The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now. - Zig Ziglar
5. It's not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts. - Zig Ziglar
6. It's not where you start or even what happens to you along the way that's important. What is important is that you persevere and never give up on yourself. - Zig Ziglar
7. When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you. - Zig Ziglar
8. Don't let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future. - Zig Ziglar
9. Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give him one of yours. - Zig Ziglar
10. Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there. - Zig Ziglar
11. Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. - Zig Ziglar
12. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar
13. You don't drown by falling in water; you only drown if you stay there. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Famous Quotes
14. Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart. - Zig Ziglar
15. If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. - Zig Ziglar
16. There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. - Zig Ziglar
17. Put all excuses aside and remember this: you are capable. - Zig Ziglar
18. You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. - Zig Ziglar
19. The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you think you can only do a little. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes On Success
20. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. - Zig Ziglar
21. A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could. - Zig Ziglar
22. Success means doing the best we can with what we have. - Zig Ziglar
23. Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker. - Zig Ziglar
24. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success. - Zig Ziglar
25. You can succeed at almost anything for which you have unbridled enthusiasm. - Zig Ziglar
26. Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. - Zig Ziglar
27. One of the main reasons people fail to reach their full potential is because they are unwilling to risk anything. - Zig Ziglar
28. You do not pay the price of success, you enjoy the price of success. - Zig Ziglar
29. Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember ~ the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you. - Zig Ziglar
30. Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough. - Zig Ziglar
31. I believe success is achieved by ordinary people with Extraordinary Determination. - Zig Ziglar
32. If people like you they'll listen to you, but if they trust you they'll do business with you. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes On Goals
33. When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there. - Zig Ziglar
34. People do not wander around and then find themselves at the top of Mount Everest. - Zig Ziglar
35. If you want to reach a goal, you must see the reaching in your mind before you actually arrive at your goals. - Zig Ziglar
36. A goal properly set is halfway reached. - Zig Ziglar
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37. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. - Zig Ziglar
38. Goals enable you to do more for yourself and others, too. - Zig Ziglar
39. People who accomplish great things work toward their objectives every day. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes About Life
40. You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want. - Zig Ziglar
41. If you have the character to hang in there when its tough, you will develop or acquire every other characteristic necessary to win in the game of life. - Zig Ziglar
42. Good action today will produce good living tomorrow. - Zig Ziglar
43. Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they're on the same side. - Zig Ziglar
44. It's not what you've got, it's what you use that makes a difference. - Zig Ziglar
45. If standard of living is your major objective, quality of life almost never improves, but if quality of life is your number one objective, your standard of living almost always improves. - Zig Ziglar
46. You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life. - Zig Ziglar
47. The story of life repeatedly assures you that if you will use what you have, you will be given more to use. - Zig Ziglar
48. It is not your aptitude but your attitude that decides your altitude in life. - Zig Ziglar
49. You cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. - Zig Ziglar
50. Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow you reap. What you give you get. What you see in others exists in you. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes On Time, Focus and Money
51. Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days. - Zig Ziglar
52. If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. - Zig Ziglar
53. You change what you are and you change where you are by changing what goes into your mind. - Zig Ziglar
54. If you don’t plan your time, someone else will help you waste it. - Zig Ziglar
55. Time well-spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation. - Zig Ziglar
Also read: Focus Quotes That Will Increase Your Concentration
56. You can literally force yourself to be courteous, happy and enthusiastic with every person you meet. After you have forced yourself to be so for a short period of time, the habit takes over. - Zig Ziglar
57. You hit what you aim at, and if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time. - Zig Ziglar
58. Most people who fail in their dream fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes On Gratitude
59. The more you are grateful for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for. - Zig Ziglar
60. Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for. - Zig Ziglar
61. It makes no difference where you go, there you are. And it makes no difference what you have, there’s always more to want. Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Short Quotes and Caption
62. Make today worth remembering. - Zig Ziglar
63. There are no traffic jams on the extra mile. - Zig Ziglar
64. Do it, and then you will feel motivated to do it. - Zig Ziglar
65. Failure is an event, not a person. - Zig Ziglar
66. Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street. - Zig Ziglar
67. Some people find fault like there is a reward for it. - Zig Ziglar
68. Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes On Integrity
69. The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is integrity. - Zig Ziglar
70. With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt. - Zig Ziglar
71. Honesty and integrity are by far the most important assets of an entrepreneur. - Zig Ziglar
72. It is true that integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity, you will never be one. - Zig Ziglar
73. Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life … all areas of life. - Zig Ziglar
74. The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love, and loyalty. - Zig Ziglar
Best Zig Ziglar Quotes and Sayings
75. The depth of your spirit will determine the height of your success. - Zig Ziglar
76. Hope is the engine of your attitude, and your attitude determines your altitude. - Zig Ziglar
77. Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. - Zig Ziglar
78. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. - Zig Ziglar
79. Encouragement is the fuel on which hope runs. - Zig Ziglar
80. Positive thinking won’t allow you to do anything, but it will allow you to do everything better than negative thinking will. - Zig Ziglar
81. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. - Zig Ziglar
82. The relationships we have with people are extremely important to success on and off the job. - Zig Ziglar
83. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. - Zig Ziglar
84. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. - Zig Ziglar
85. I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him. - Zig Ziglar
86. We cannot start over, but we can begin now, and make a new beginning. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes About Love and Happiness
87. It's not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you. - Zig Ziglar
88. When you put faith, hope, and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world. - Zig Ziglar
89. The best thing a parent can do for a child is to love his or her spouse. - Zig Ziglar
90. Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully. - Zig Ziglar
91. If there were no Love, there'd be no grief. - Zig Ziglar
92. The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times. - Zig Ziglar
93. Take one cup of love, two cups of loyalty, three cups of forgiveness, four quarts of faith and one barrel of laughter. Take love and loyalty and mix them thoroughly with faith; blend with tenderness, kindness, and understanding. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes About Change, Fear
94. F-E-A-R has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours. - Zig Ziglar
95. The fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain. - Zig Ziglar
96. The problem is not getting rid of fear, but using it properly. - Zig Ziglar
97. You can change everything about your business by changing your thinking about your business. - Zig Ziglar
98. Fear is the Fatal killer of Desire. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes On Learning
99. Some of us learn from other people’s mistakes and the rest of us have to be other people. - Zig Ziglar
100. Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment. - Zig Ziglar
101. Life is a classroom -- only those who are willing to be lifelong learners will move to the head of the class. - Zig Ziglar
102. If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost. - Zig Ziglar
103. Today I will be a successful sales professional, and I will learn something today that will make me even more professional tomorrow. - Zig Ziglar
104. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly--until you can learn to do it well. - Zig Ziglar
105. If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Funny Quotes
106. Of course, motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis. - Zig Ziglar
107. A narrow mind and a fat head invariably come on the same person. - Zig Ziglar
108. Money is not everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen. - Zig Ziglar
109. Optimists are those who go after Moby dick in a rowboat with a bucket of tarter sauce. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Leadership Quotes
110. It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through. - Zig Ziglar
111. The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you think you can only do a little. - Zig Ziglar
112. If you’re sincere, praise is effective. If you’re insincere, it’s manipulative. - Zig Ziglar
113. The more you are grateful for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for. - Zig Ziglar
114. A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes About Family
115. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they've never failed to imitate them. - Zig Ziglar
116. Be there for your kids. Later, when you need them, they'll be there for you. - Zig Ziglar
117. You can feed your ego or you can feed your family. You can't feed them both. - Zig Ziglar
118. Husbands and wives, first be faithful to each other. Second, keep the romance going all of your life by courting each other every day. - Zig Ziglar
119. When you give directives to a child, especially a teenager, you must consider the nature of your child. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes on Sales
120. People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons. - Zig Ziglar
121. Your business is never really good or bad ‘out there.’ Your business is either good or bad right between your own two ears. - Zig Ziglar
122. Profitability comes from loyalty, productivity, and having a character base from which to work. - Zig Ziglar
123. People who have good relationships at home are more effective in the marketplace. - Zig Ziglar
124. Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust. - Zig Ziglar
125. Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes About Friend
126. If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere. - Zig Ziglar
127. Chance made us sisters. Hearts made us friends. - Zig Ziglar
128. If you go looking for a friend, you're going to find they're very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere. - Zig Ziglar
129. If you do not believe in your product or service enough to offer it to your own family and friends, then you should question the value of what you are selling. - Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Word Of Wisdom (Zig Ziglar Wise Quotes)
130. Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs. - Zig Ziglar
131. Outstanding people have one thing in common: an absolute sense of mission. - Zig Ziglar
132. You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar
133. Don’t become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific. - Zig Ziglar
134. If God would have wanted us to live in a permissive society He would have given us Ten Suggestions and not Ten Commandments. - Zig Ziglar
135. We all need a daily checkup from the neck up to avoid stinkin' thinkin' which ultimately leads to hardening of the attitudes. - Zig Ziglar
136. Don't count the things you do, do the things that count. - Zig Ziglar
137. Everybody says they want to be free. Take the train off the tracks and it’s free but it can't go anywhere. - Zig Ziglar
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